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Syntezia Civil Security
Our contribution and approach to a safer Europe
Horizon Europe Cluster 3
- User-centric approach: Living lab tools and methods emphasize involving end users and stakeholders throughout the research and innovation process. By engaging users in the development and testing of security and digital solutions, the consortium can gain valuable insights into their needs, preferences, and expectations. This user-centric approach ensures that the proposed solutions align with real-world requirements, leading to increased user acceptance and adoption.
- Co-creation and collaboration: Syntezia Living lab fosters collaboration between different stakeholders, including researchers, industry partners, public authorities, and end users. Through co-creation activities, such as workshops, focus groups, and participatory design sessions, the consortium can work closely with these stakeholders to collectively ideate, refine and validate innovative security and digital solutions. This collaborative approach enhances the relevance, feasibility, and effectiveness of the proposed projects.
- Testbed for experimentation: Syntezia Living lab can provide a real-world testbed environment for evaluating the performance and impact of security and digital solutions. The consortium can leverage the existing infrastructure, resources, and networks of living labs to conduct experiments, simulations, and pilot studies. This allows for iterative testing, validation, and optimization of the proposed solutions, ensuring their practical viability and scalability.
- Data collection and analysis: Living labs enable the collection of rich, real-time data on user behavior, interactions, and experiences. The consortium can leverage this data to gain insights into user needs, usage patterns, and potential security vulnerabilities. By analyzing the data collected from our living lab experiments, the consortium can make informed decisions, refine their proposals over time, and identify areas for further improvement.
- Validation and impact assessment: Living labs provide a platform for validating the effectiveness, efficiency, and societal impact of security and digital solutions. Through rigorous evaluation methodologies, such as user
surveys, interviews, and performance metrics, the consortium can assess the performance of their proposed projects and measure their impact on security and digital transformation. This evidence-based approach
strengthens the credibility and competitiveness of the consortium's Horizon Europe proposal. - Policy and regulation insights: Living labs often involve collaboration with public authorities and policymakers, providing an opportunity for the consortium to gain insights into relevant policies, regulations, and ethical
considerations related to security and digital technologies. By engaging with policymakers, the consortium can ensure that their proposals align with the European Union's strategic objectives and contribute to the
development of responsible and trustworthy security and digital solutions.
Overall, our Syntezia livinglab tools and methods can enrich the consortium's Horizon Europe Cluster 3
proposal by promoting user-centricity, collaboration, experimentation, data-driven decision-making, and evidence-based validation. By incorporating these elements, the consortium can enhance the quality, relevance, and impact of their research and innovation projects in the field of Security and Digital.
Contribuer à la sécurité civile
Syntezia living lab peut contribuer à la sécurité civile de plusieurs façons, notamment pour :
- Développer de nouvelles technologies et solutions de sécurité : Les living labs peuvent être utilisés pour tester de nouvelles technologies et solutions de sécurité dans un environnement réel. Cela permet de recueillir des données et des commentaires précieux qui peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer les solutions avant leur déploiement à grande échelle.
- Améliorer la coordination des services de sécurité : Les living labs peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer la coordination des services de sécurité. Cela peut être fait en permettant aux différentes agences de sécurité de collaborer et d'apprendre les unes des autres.
- Renforcer la résilience des communautés : Les living labs peuvent être utilisés pour renforcer la résilience des communautés. Cela peut être fait en sensibilisant les communautés aux risques et en les aidant à développer des plans de réponse aux crises.
Voici quelques exemples concrets d'utilisation pour la sécurité civile :
- tester un nouveau système de détection des incendies. Le système a été installé dans un appartement réel et les données ont été recueillies sur son efficacité.
- améliorer la coordination entre les pompiers et la police. Les deux agences ont travaillé ensemble pour développer des protocoles communs d'intervention en cas d'urgence.
- sensibiliser les résidents d'une communauté aux risques d'inondation. Les résidents ont participé à des exercices d'évacuation et ont appris à se préparer aux inondations.
Le Syntezia living lab, ses méthodes et ses outils puissants peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer la sécurité civile. En continuant à développer des solutions, nous pouvons créer des communautés plus sûres et plus résilientes.

Yves Zieba
+ 41 22 548 39 75
+ 41 79 561 10 54
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